Sleep Clean: Avocado’s New Eco Organic Mattress

Sleep Clean: Avocado’s New Eco Organic Mattress

When I first began working to live a more conscious, sustainable lifestyle about three years ago, two of the first things I learned about were waste (as in trash, specifically within production and supply chains) and chemicals (and all the various impacts they can have on the environment, our bodies and health).

Because of government regulations and business practices, products of all kinds- food, clothing, furniture, appliances, self-care/hygiene- are saturated with a wide variety of chemicals throughout the production cycle. Furniture and home goods are an area we don’t give much thought to in this regard. Mattresses especially are a source of serious toxicity…Avocado is working to change all that.

5 Simple Habits for a Healthier New Year

5 Simple Habits for a Healthier New Year

In this post I want to share with you five unique healthy habits that offer a different take than the typical resolutions you may find throughout our society. These habits, if implemented consistently, will benefit and strengthen you both physically and mentally. They’re simple, affordable, and effective for improving long-term health and wellness.
…You are the only one who can choose to take responsibility for your health. You have to be your own advocate. Do your research, be informed. Don’t be a passive participant in your own health. While we must remember that we are but vessels, and we don’t want to idolize our health; but we are also meant to be faithful stewards of these bodies the Lord has given us, that we may serve and honor Him rightly throughout life- and I pray our lives can be long, strong, and vibrant for His glory.

My Reading List | July through September 2021

My Reading List | July through September 2021

Hello everyone!
It’s hard to believe that these months have already come and gone and I’m sharing my recent reads again. It feels as if my reading has slowed down a bit in recent days, but I’m hoping to stay consistent with it as we finish out the year. I’m already looking forward to sharing another list of books with you as I continue to work through my list.
I’ve included pictures of each and a short summary/review to help you decide if they are ones you’d be interested in reading yourself. Enjoy!

3 Clean Skincare Brands You Can Feel Great About Using

3 Clean Skincare Brands You Can Feel Great About Using

Just because a product has “natural” ingredients doesn’t mean it’s clean and safe to put on your skin…What we put on our skin is so important because it’s those ingredients that get absorbed directly into our bloodstream. They can affect our hormones, for better or worse, and therefore every other function in our body can be impacted by them! Today I’m discussing three brands of clean skincare that I have tried myself and feel are worth sharing with you. Trying to differentiate between all the options available can be overwhelming, but hopefully this will help get you off to a good start!

Heart Over Hustle: Working As Unto the Lord

Heart Over Hustle: Working As Unto the Lord

I don’t think God cares so much about what I do as He does about how I do it.
We spend so much time trying to figure out what to do– what to do with our lives, our time, our energy. People everywhere, of all ages and backgrounds, waste so much energy trying to “fulfill their purpose” or find their ideal job or “make something of themselves”.
This kind of unspoken expectation to do something “meaningful” with your life is ever-present; a subtle but weighty pressure from society to have big dreams, big goals, a game-plan to make it happen, and the confidence that you can’t fail…Rather than always striving for something else we should instead work to be faithful and diligent with what God has allowed us to steward within the scope of our current circumstances…What I’m doing doesn’t matter as much as my attitude regarding the task.
God cares about my heart more than He cares about my hustle.

How to Build a Sustainable and Ethical Wardrobe

How to Build a Sustainable and Ethical Wardrobe

Fast fashion is bad news.
We need to spend our money elsewhere. But how do you go about building a more sustainable and ethical wardrobe without breaking the bank on pieces that have been made with the environment and people in mind?
There are three primary ways to make the transition: Rewear and Reuse What You Already Own; Buy Secondhand; Support Sustainable and Ethical Clothing Brands.

50 Things I Do Not Buy or Own | Minimalism

50 Things I Do Not Buy or Own | Minimalism

“Minimalism” looks different for everyone.
It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal.
What a minimal(ist) life looks like for you will vary depending on your circumstances, current season of life, family situation, work situation, etc. And honestly there are some days where you buy things you do not need, or even want, and they end up getting resold or donated again eventually- this is okay. We don’t need to be rigid with our belongings. But we aim to ensure that the items we own are functional and purposeful- that we find some use in them- and that they bring us pleasure or joy in our lives.
Personally, I don’t buy a whole lot of anything.

My Reading List | January through June 2021

My Reading List | January through June 2021

Hello everyone! The last year or so I’ve rekindled my enjoyment of reading, and have covered a wide variety of books and topics. I’m always looking for suggestions, and so really enjoy when other people share the books that they have read or are currently reading, and I wanted to do the same for you:)
Last year I read a total of 36 books. This year I want to read at least that many, if not more.