Earthing: The Most Accessible Healing Method Available- and it’s FREE!

Earthing: The Most Accessible Healing Method Available- and it’s FREE!

What is Earthing?

Earthing, aka “grounding”, is the practice of putting your bare skin in direct contact with the natural surfaces of the Earth (soil/dirt, grass, sand, stone).

When you become grounded through Earthing, your body absorbs electrons from the surface of the Earth through the feet and skin, which produces an anti-inflammatory state throughout the body.

Easy enough, right? But, why is it essential that we incorporate this practice back into our daily lives?

Because we are sick. We are in pain. We are tired.

But we don’t have to be.

We can heal our bodies without drugs, without surgeries, without further suffering.

We can do this through Earthing. It’s easy, accessible, and completely FREE.

“Contact with the surface of the Earth maintains the body’s electrical stability and the normal functioning of its self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms.”

Why Earthing?

For most of human history, we have lived in almost constant contact with the Earth. We traveled everywhere by foot, barefoot or wearing thin leather shoes, slept on the ground in structures with no floor coverings…we hunted and nourished our bodies with nose-to-tail nutrition, spent our time in the sunshine, and did not find much purpose in being sedentary.

But in more recent years, we’ve lived in structures that are raised off of the earth, built with insulated materials (woods, plastics, rubbers, etc). We stay inside for most of our days and nights. And during those hours much of the population is almost constantly wearing shoes- synthetically-constructed shoes.

We almost never find ourselves touching the Earth. And so we are suffering the consequences.

It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way.

Why are we so sick? Have you ever wondered that? Why, as a society, are we so plagued with injury and illness, and why do we think that is okay?

We’ve been tricked.

Chronic illness, pain, stress. These things are not normal. They’re not “required reading” that come as a consequence of being human.

Stress, pain, and sickness happen, yes- it’s unavoidable in this fallen world. But only recently in our human history have we seemed to accept the fact that long-term suffering is somehow okay and just a fact of life that comes with growing older.


Sickness and suffering are not just “the hand we’re dealt”.

They’re a result of our disconnected lifestyles.

And they’re all rooted in a covert symptom that results from this disconnected existence: inflammation.

Inflammation is Intended to Heal- Initially

Inflammation is the body’s response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens and damaged cells. It’s a protective attempt by the system to remove injurious or threatening agents as well as start the healing process for the affected tissue. 

In response to damage, injury, or illness white blood cells and other specialized cells travel through the body to the specific site in need; these cells release powerful free radicals (called an oxidative burst) that aid in the destruction of invading microorganisms and damaged tissue. They’re the clean-up crew.

Free radicals actually perform an essential service to the body. Being electron-hungry molecules, these free radicals obtain their electrons by stripping them from pathogens and damaged tissue, killing the bad things in our bodies and breaking down damaged cells for removal. 

Normally as this healing process settles down, the excess free radicals produced during the immune response are neutralized by antioxidants or free electrons in the body. And the acute inflammation goes down and our body heals.

But chronic inflammation is another issue.

Acute inflammation is very necessary for our bodies to build immunity and heal themselves. But chronic inflammation is dangerous and represents a progressive shift in what’s happening at the site of the inflammation. 

We know now that free radicals are essential in the body’s healing and immune processes. However, problems can arise when those free radicals are not neutralized. In this instance, healthy cells become damaged and the immune system gets back to work, sending in more white blood cells and producing more free radicals to try and fight the cascade of damage occurring. A vicious cycle.

“This activity is why free radicals have a bad rap and why scientists unanimously agree that free-radical activity is at the basis of chronic disease and the aging process, particularly accelerated aging and limited life span. 

“We believe that normal inflammation veers out of control because of lost contact with the Earth. People are suffering from an electron deficiency- not enough free electrons on hand to satisfy the lust of rampaging free radicals.”

Earthing, by Clinton Ober

A lack of grounding leads to internal electrical instability that in turn results in physiological dysfunction.”

Connecting the body to the Earth allows the conductive tissues of the body to become charged with free electrons, satisfying the hunger for any excess or residual immune response free radicals in your body, and reducing the oxidative and inflammatory reactions they create. So then the need for these excessive free radicals to oxidize disappears, and with it the underlying mechanism of chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease.

We are meant to be connected to the Earth. It makes total sense. Even from a Biblical perspective, we know that we were taken from the Earth during creation:

“the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” ~Genesis 2:7 (emphasis mine)

Human beings are made of the same substance as the Earth we live on. And God created the Earth to nourish and sustain us. Through His creation He provides all we need to thrive. As our bodies are not our own it’s important that we steward them to the best of our ability, so we can better serve the Lord. We can do this by prioritizing our health and utilizing the resources He’s provided for us to do so.

The Simple Science of Earthing

The land and seas of Earth are constantly replenished with a supply of electrons, since our planet is negatively charged.

By making direct contact with the surface of the planet, our conductive bodies naturally equalize with the Earth. We know this because anytime two conductive objects make contact- such as your feet and the bare ground- electrons will flow from the place where they are abundant to the place where there are scarce- it’s the general principle we see in osmosis. This then equalizes the electrical potential of the two objects. 

“The body is a highly intelligent electrobiochemical system that is strongly influenced by its internal electrical environment. Countless electrical charges within this system regulate countless biochemical reactions…the Earth’s surface electric potential serves as the body’s stabilizing reference point or ground. Contact with the surface of the Earth maintains the body’s electrical stability and the normal functioning of its self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms. The ground thus acts as the very same stabilizing resources for both the body and electrical systems throughout the world. A lack of grounding leads to internal electrical instability that in turn results in physiological dysfunction.

Earthing, by Clinton Ober

How does the Earth become negatively charged? Through lightning, a process that involves a transfer of negative charges from the clouds to the ground:

“Activity within storm clouds produces a buildup of negative charges at the bottom of the clouds, while the top of the clouds become positively charged. Simultaneously, positive charges build up in the ground below the clouds. At some point, the build up above and below becomes so great that lightening results.”

“You’re Grounded!” The Benefits of Earthing

Very simply put, Earthing is anti-inflammatory. Because inflammation can occur in any and every part of the body, the healing effects of Earthing can too! Here’s a list of some of the benefits of Earthing, as well as symptoms it will reduce/eliminate:

  • Reduces inflammation and pain
    • Bone and joint pain (arthritis, back pain, side effects of MS…)
    • Muscle stiffness/soreness
    • Menstrual pain
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Calms the autonomic nervous system (ANS) which regulates functions such as heart and respiration rates, digestion, perspiration, urination, and even arousal.
  • Improves blood sugar regulation
  • A natural blood thinner
    • supports cardiovascular health by improving circulation
    • steadies and regulates heart rates and blood pressure
  • Restores balance in hormones
    • normalizes cortisol, reducing the stress response
  • Improves sleep
    • helpful for individuals with sleep apnea, who struggle getting restful sleep when using a CPAP machine
  • Improves energy
  • Improves symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Speeds and aids in the healing and recovery from burns and injuries
  • Offers anti-aging effects
  • Can help balance and calm children with behavioral/attention disorders
  • Lessens/eliminates allergy symptoms
  • Prevents jet lag
  • Eases the symptoms of autoimmune diseases like lyme disease (be cautious though, because too much Earthing can initially result in a healing crisis, where too much detoxification happens too quickly and can make you feel ill)
  • Overall detoxification and cleansing of the body
  • Shields the body from EMFs (electromagnetic fields)

The Earthing Movie

The Earthing Movie is a documentary available on Youtube that walks through the history and science of Earthing, as well as testimonials from individuals who’d had a variety of health issues. If you’re not up for reading the book (although it’s very fascinating!) this movie will give you a simple but thorough overview of the information.

If You Can’t Get Outside…

If you can’t get outside and put your skin in direct contact with the Earth due to inclement weather, industrial city life, illness/injury etc, there is another option you can consider!

Earthing mats and products allow you to become grounded while inside you home, by connecting to a grounded wall outlet. These products are a conduit for the grounded energy we find in the earth, so you get the same benefits as you would being outside, without having to freeze your toes or drive somewhere to have access to a patch of beach or grass.

We are currently trying out a grounded sleep mat from the Earthing company, which fits right onto your mattress and can be used over or under a fitted sheet. They also offer grounding patches for targeted pain relief, socks/wristbands, mats that you can use at your desk, table or couch, and other sleeping/leisure products. All of those are available here at their website. You can also find cheaper options through other online sites, like this fitted sheet that I tried and use myself (be careful to choose good quality products. If you want to ensure that they indeed ground you, purchase a ground test meter).

In less than a month of Earthing, both outside and with her sleep mat, my mom’s chronic hip pain has been significantly reduced. Before Earthing, she couldn’t walk without pain or stabbing sensations in her hip. Now after two weeks, her limp is gone and the pain has become a bearable ache. I’m excited to see how she continues to improve, and will post an update after more extended use.

Free and Easy Relief

We are born to be barefoot. You may recall my recent blog post talking about Vivobarefoot Shoes , and why they’re beneficial for our foot and skeletal health. Now I know that whenever possible it’s even better to ditch the shoes altogether. If you don’t want to jump right into being barefoot all the time, EarthRunners sandals are a great option for footwear- they are minimal and allow your foot to flex and spread naturally but also allow you to be grounded because of their unique design.

Earthing isn’t something you want to wait to do until you’re sick or in pain- it’s an essential preventive measure to aid the body in strength and immune function. Even if you don’t think you have buried inflammation, Earthing better equips your body to remain strong and healthy. With consistent implementation your body will be able to heal and rebuild itself at a cellular level.

Earthing isn’t necessarily a cure-all. It lessens and relieves painful symptoms that interfere with quality of life. There is certainly no harm in trying it!

But just like you can’t out exercise a crappy diet, Earthing won’t be as beneficial when used in isolation. Adopting a healthful lifestyle is essential to reaping the most benefits from any healing behavior.

Here are some suggestions for other habits you can combine with Earthing to improve your overall health and well-being:

  • Soak up the sunshine! Vitamin D is an essential hormone (yes, hormone) that our bodies require to function. Keep your eyes peeled for a blog post on the topic- there are many, many benefits to spending some time in the sun.
  • Reduce or eliminate all grains, sugars, and vegetable oils from your diet. These foods are especially inflammatory, and can contribute to gut imbalance and digestive problems among other things.
    • Nourish your body with proper nutrients and vitamins. An animal-based diet is the best way to do this, contrary to popular belief. Nose-to-tail nutrition is the most complete and bioavailable for the human body and offers significant nourishment and healing through our diets (check out Ancestral Supplements for high-quality options).
  • Filter your water with a high quality purifier, such as a Berkey, to reduce your body’s toxic load.
  • Turn your wifi off at night, and during long chunks of the day when you aren’t home. Not only will this save on your energy and electric bills, but it significantly reduces the amount of exposure you encounter from EMFs.
  • Avoid/eliminate all plastics from your daily life. Plastics are endocrine disruptors and can wreak havoc for your hormones.

There are so many ways that we can aid our body in becoming strong and healthy. What healthy habits do you utilize to prioritize your health? Share in the comments- I’m always looking for new ideas!

I hope this post was informative and helpful for you. My new knowledge and research into Earthing has blown my mind, and I really want everyone to benefit from it! If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and family- this information is for everyone. Healing is waiting for all of us- it’s easy, accessible, and FREE.

Links + Resources

This post contains affiliate links which means I make a small commission when you sign up or make a purchase through my link. I only ever share companies and brands that I truly stand behind, use myself, and absolutely love. This creates no additional cost to you, but simply provides a way for me to continue creating quality content like this. Thank you for your support!

Medical disclaimer: The entire contents of this website, including text, graphics, images, videos, and studies, is provided for general informational purposes only. The contents are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are under the care of a physician for any health condition, consult with your physician first before starting Earthing, and especially if you take medication. Contact with the Earth’s natural electrical field can affect the physiology in many ways. I am not responsible or liable for any advice or any other information that you obtain through this website.

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